Infinite Backlog - Proof Build 2

! The Web version only works with an active Season and has NO data persistence. !
- For now it is infiror to the windows build.
Infinite Backlog is a to-do list tool I'm building for me. I have various purposes in mind for it. A game review checklist/catelog, bug tracker, life/habit tracker, workout helper, est.
Any questions, comments, or suggestions are welcome.
Key Bindings:
- Plus Button: Add a new empty task
- Key_Enter: Add a new empty task under current selected task
- Minus Button: Delete task from list
- Key_Delete: Mark task as cancled
- Checkbox: Mark task complete (OR reverts an canceled task
Proof Build 2 - WIN - 2025 02 22:
I just started working on this feb 11st so it's very rough.
I'm only working in windows at the moment but, i'll try and sort out any web issues in short order.
For now your list is saved as "config.dat" in your user data folder on close. it also saves a .bak that you can manually revert to if you pooch your list. Just rename the file "config.dat"
I haven't figured out why the web browser will not save to local storage so for now The app will be free and downloadable until I get the majority of my planned features in.
- Name your Task List
- Auto reload your last Task List
- Add overall Task information (text box)
- Adjust size of Task detail box and Task List with horizontal grabber (! bugged !)
- Create a new Task with the Plus "+" Button
- Create a new Task by pressing Enter Key within another Task
- Inserts new Task under current Task
- Delete Task from list with Minus "-" button
- Scrolling Task List
- Mark Task as complete (Check mark, currently only visual)
- Mark Task as canceled (X mark, currently only visual)
- Delete History (currently on text file: ! bugged !)
- Save Task List as human readable text file (in app data config)
- Tab Key navigation (! bugged !, text box intercepts tab navigation)
- Task Counter (Complete / Total
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