
Development updates are on a Parenting timeline.
This is my first game wearing most of the hats, So the goal is just to keep motivated and finish the game.
This is a two man team, myself and a friend currently focused on audio.

The basic game loops are something like Asteroids + Missile Command. The base minimum product should be about 10-20 minutes of play. If you've played either inspiration games you should be able to hope right in. The price point will be $4 USD.

Shoot, Gather, Defend, Extract

In the game you'll pilot an asteroids like space ship and collect resources. Stash those resources in a loot ball like depot in the play area. Once you gather X amount of resources you'll call in a hauler to pickup your goods. While your waiting you'll have to guard your depot from hazards and pirates with point defense platforms ala missile command. hazards will diminish your loot ball. When the hauler arrives to extract you and your resources. You win and your score will be calculated based on the remaing loot.


  1. Programming application functionality & vital Grey boxing
  2. Audio implementation
  3. Animations
  4. Shaders & VFX
  5. Art assets

New to this Itch,io publishing. Not sure if I should post project things here or indavidual project posts. So I'll just update this post for now.

Current Module Available for Fiddling:

  • Flight Scene
  • Basic Asteroid Destruction (2025/01/23)

Next Module on the Chopping Block:

  • Asteroids like ship agent

Planned Modules being Researched (milestones list is WIP)

  • Item pickups
  • lite Inventory
  • Resources / Loot
  • Resource drop off depot
  • Survival lite systems
  • "Missile Command" like click and boom
  • Mission extraction loop
  • Passive hazards
  • Active hazards
  • Game tweak options (Audio, Video, InputSource, Difficulty)
    • InputSource: Keyboard navigation, Mouse, Full-Controller[Twin-stick], Joystick, (VR look controls?)
  • Persistent progression
  • Weapon types
  • Protection devices
  • Ship variants
  • Leader-boards
  • EVA suit shooter (feature creep for an expations or another game)
    • I really love the idea of breaching. Somewhere between a lightning raid and a spelunk like "Heat Signature" and thought it would be fun in a FTL like ship hull dungeon map.
  • Lite Cover Mechanics
  • Survival lite systems
  • Internal environments (ship hulls, asteroids)

Files 36 MB
47 days ago

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